The Northern Land of China
The documentary records pictures like a Tibetan antelope family's story about pregnancy and childbirth and its first migration with newborn baby, wolf packs in grasslands who turn against with each other for the occupy of territories, the annual journey of beluga in Qinghai Lake to go back and spawn, baby falco rusticolus's story in Inner Mongolia Prairie about constant learning of flying, the reindeer tribe living in birgin forest of Greater Hinggan Mountains, the Mongolian wild horses struggling in bad environment. The Northern Land of China provides us a chance to explore miraculous living things in this beautiful country by giving us a complete view of grasslands, deserts, loess plateau, virgin forest, plateau and lakes in north China - a typical symbiotic ecosystem. This Documentary would include interviews conservationists and related specialists and explorations about harmonious coexistence between human beings and animals.
Original Tiltle: 北方大地
Year: 2018
Length: 52min*6episodes
Resolution: 4K
Produced by: China Aviation Pictures (Click to go)