Skywalker’s Matchmaker

May 29 2018|Share: wechat Sina

A Skywalker Gibbon sings a lonely love song, but a single male is too far to hear. Without being able to duet they'll never become a couple.

A professor and a musician become matchmakers. They have built speakers, microphones and a mobile link. The gibbons will be able to duet over the telephone, and find each other. It's a world first.

Testing is in Beijing Zoo, connecting a male zoo gibbon to a wild female 3000km away. Now's the plan's to relocate him to the wild.

Sophisticated camerawork and a moving love story make this a special film filming since 2016.

1*60min filmed by Colorful Nature Films in 4K/8K, and with Mark Fletcher Production for international versions.


Original Tiltle: 中国天行者
Year: 2016-2018
Length: 60min
Resolution: 4K
Produced by: Colorful Nature Films Co. Ltd. (Beijing)    (Click to go)