Living in the Present

Jun 07 2018|Share: wechat Sina

Living in the Present is a major documentary filmed by and Future TV. The documentary records streams of people in a consecutive three days based on no script. By focusing on individual stories and social topics,this documentary tries to discuss life wisdom and ‘pain points’,further unmask common people’s inner world in Chinese society. The first season focuses on different key stages of life and social hot issues in China. Ren Changzhen, the famous chief director of A Bite of China Season 1 joined the production team, together with Ji Guanlin, the top dubber and Jin Wenqi, talented music creator of The Thief of Time. Speaking Chinese stories and transmitting the voice of China, they will present you a vivid and comprehensive China through all-media platforms.

Original Tiltle: 三日可见
Year: 2018
Length: 25min * 12 episodes
Resolution: HD
Produced by:  Future TV (Click to go)